Stop Sending Fake Cold Messages
Nov 24, 2024
Stop sending fake personalization.
Stop lying in your cold outbound.
Don't say:
1. You noticed where I went to school
2. You listen to my podcast when you don't
3. You've been following me when you haven't
What you should do:
1. Start following your prospects
2. Listen to their podcasts
3. Engage with their content
Then reach out to them with the truth.
Honesty and authenticity wins.
These are the things AI can't do.
So you should do them!
The one thing humans can do but AI can't today is engage with our prospects and actually get to know them before reaching out.
AI can read their profiles and populate merge fields into an email.
Make sure what you're doing for outbound CAN'T be done by AI.
That's how you'll win.
Happy Selling,