
Salespeople Still Get This One Wrong

Aug 30, 2024
Salespeople Still Get This One Wrong

Most salespeople are still getting this wrong. 

Eye contact is so important for engaging conversations. 

But digital eye contact is different. 

It requires you to look into the camera lens. 

It requires your camera to be adjusted to eye level. 

If using a laptop camera, get a laptop riser. 

If using a webcam on top of your monitor, lower your monitor. 

But most importantly, look into the camera lens.

Otherwise you're literally making zero eye contact. 

The difference on the receiving end is significant. 

It's hard to get used to because you want to look at their face. 

But doing so means you're never making eye contact. 

Treat your camera lens as if it's their eyes. 

Details matter.

The worst is when someone has their camera on a separate display than they're looking at.

Then you're not only missing eye contact but you're looking away from the person you're speaking to.

In a digital sales world these details make a big difference in the conversation. 

1. Adjust camera to eye level and look into the lens

2. Have a bright or natural light source behind the camera (key light)

3. Have a light source behind you to separate you from the background (back light)

4. Use an external microphone and ear monitors (or headset with both)

Whatever you do, know that lighting is more important than the quality of camera.

You can use a Macbook camera with quality lighting and have better resolution than a DSLR camera with poor lighting. 

You're not just a salesperson anymore if selling digitally, you're a broadcaster (ace these skills).

Happy Selling,


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